Saturday 1 January 2011

Janathon: Day 1: A is for Ambitious

Well my so-called 'friends' have bullied me into joining "Janathon" ( - my first obstacle was that this is a really hard word to look up on an iPad because the auto-spelling doo dah obstinately changes it into "Jonathan". Mind you it just got "obstinately" right so it's not all bad.

CakeOfGoodHope ( friend KT was doing the Hereford 10k this morning so last night at Emily's ( I rashly agreed to run a 10k at the same time - in sympathy as it were. Luckily I didn't have her 2hr drive beforehand.

Well it was pretty bad. The aim was to do 10k and finish up at Emily's house where we classily abandoned the car last night and pushed the little Lumpy Badger ( back via chavsville and heaving drunkards.

So fuelled by 2 croissants and half a lucozade sport I set off running and I have to say it was pretty bad for the first 4k. Luckily I had the Lloyd Cole album that Mrs Badger gave me for Christmas, and the bouncy trainers she gave me for my birthday, and the imminent heart attack turned out to just be a stitch.

At 6.43km (precisely) I was trying to fiddle with the iPod on my iPhone and accidentally stopped then GPS. So I had to restart it and work out that I had to do another 3.6km to make the full 10k. With about 500m to go I bumped into Emily coming the other way so she gets some cool points too!

I've spent the afternoon thinking that 10k was a bit Ambitious. Wonder what I'll do tomorrow?

Janathon Stats:
Distance: 10km
Time: 58 mins

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