Tuesday 11 January 2011

Day 11: K is for 'King Hell, and Mr Kipling

'King Hell: My internets are broken!!  This post will have to be short because I'm having to use my dongle (oooh errr!).  Got home this evening to find that the wonderous mister British Teleconm has dropped my broadband and the webs are all spilling out somewhere, so you'd probably best get browsing everything you can before it all just dribbles away and is lost forever.

Short run again today - trying to get my legs to feel better.  Somewhat better but still a little worried about doing a longer run tomorrow. Will probably do it at the Gym on the 'mill so it's a little bit lower impact.

Also under 'King Hell are these photos of people with the exact same name as CakeOfGoodHope.  I'm pleased to say that NONE of them are actually her.  OR ARE THEY?

'King Huge

'King Ripped

'King Botox

'King Old

'King Fake

'King Hell

Mr Kipling: I love mince pies. I just loooooooove mince pies!


Janathon Stats:

Distance: 2.82km (1.75 miles)   Time: 15:15   Avg Pace: 5:25/km  (8:43/mile)

Distance: 61.81km (38.41 miles)    Time: 5:43:26  Avg Pace: 5:33/km (8:57/mile)


  1. Dude,
    You is getting weirder and weirder.
    Love it.
    Hope the interwebs gets fixed.

  2. My boyfriend has a dongle (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) which he has to dangle from his window on a lead to get a signal. It's the infuriating drawback to an otherwise perfect flat. Hope you're back in the broadband club soon.

  3. Internet, eh? They have that on computers now?

    I'm proud of your run today. And now I must go fetch a cherry pie. Thanks!

  4. I noticed you're starting a new fitness regime for 2011. Would you be interested in testing out a bit of fitness equipment to review on your blog? EMail me on ryan.levitt@mslgroup.com and I'll give you details and/or send out a unit for you to use. Thanks and good luck with the Janathon!
    -Ryan Levitt
