Friday 28 January 2011

Day 28: @

        @@@@@@+.  .. .   O@@@@@.        
      .@@@@=                @@@@        
      @@@@.     +@@@.       . @@@       
     @@@     D@@@@@@@@.@@@@7   @@@.     
    @@@?   .@@@@@=  @@@@@@@    @@@.     
   I@@@    @@@@~     ,@@@@@     @@@     
   @@@    @@@@?       @@@@.     @@@     
   @@@.  ,@@@@       .@@@@     @@@7     
   @@@   @@@@@       .@@@@    .@@@      
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   @@@   @@@@@      @@@@@.   @@@@       
   @@@   .@@@@?.   @@@@@@  @@@@@.       
   .@@@. .?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.         
    @@@@    @@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@.           
     @@@@.      .    ..  .    .@@@@     
      @@@@@+                 @@@@@      
        @@@@@@@@.       =@@@@@@@        
           . . :@@@@@@@@@                
Gosh this is getting difficult. to me the '@' sign stands for the interwebs that are taking over our lives. In some ways that is a good thing - we can find out stuff immediately without going to a library, but that means we don't need to remember anything any more, and I'm pretty sure that means that soon we won't even be able to remember stuff without our online perma-connected gadget phones.

I have long had a theory about whether gadgets or technology are going to be successful - I call it Mr Badger's Law of Technology

The law goes in the form of a question to be answered:

Does this new technology allow the user to be more lazy and/or less organized?

If the answer is neither, then the technology has very little chance of success.
If the answer is either one or the other, then the technology has an outside chance of being successful, but is by no means guaranteed.
If the answer is both there is a good chance that the technology will

The Mobile Phone is my favourite example - In the 'olden days' we used to arrange to meet someone at a certain time and at a certain place. Now we call each other when we're on the way and you see people talking on the phone until they can actually see each other.  Lazy and disorganized!

Smartphones with email and instant web access are just the next step of that. I don't have to be organized any more because I can always find out the answer online. I can check my email and I can even record my workouts via gps and upload them to a website at the press of a single virtual button.

So what's next? My favourite prediction is that someday soon we will have voice recognition on phones that will allow you to dictate a text message to someone. Sounds stupid but it passes Mr Badger's Law.

Janathon Stats!

Today!  Bike Total: 17.34km (473 cals) 50:26

[Run equivalency calculation!]

Today! 7.03km / 4.37 miles

Total! 174.59km / 108.48 miles !


  1. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to reading posts... I tend to click links of links of links, etc, so I'm a bit annoyed it's taken me this long to stumble across yours. Enjoying your work :-)

  2. Good law, very true. Any other predictions?

  3. I'm a Droider, not an iPhoner. but my Droid has the voice-to-text which works pretty damn well when you're driving and your little brother insists that I text him some trivial information.

    Any thoughts on the viability of hover cars?

  4. LOL I agree. BTW I prefer your Jamathon idea - that other one looks a bit wierd!

  5. Yours have been one of the most entertaining blogsi ahve read, Please keep them up after janathon has gone :)
