Thursday 20 January 2011

Day 20: T is for Tourettes. F**k S**t C*** A***

I think I may suffer from "Runner's Tourettes".  Any exercise that I'm doing, running or cycling or whatever, I find myself talking to myself, often in quite a sweary way.  Also, I tend to get tunes stuck in my head. Recently it's been the theme from Withnail & I which the BBC have been using for an advert.
Things on the journey will then kick me off into talking or swearing under my breath - if I'm cycling i'll swear at cars if they stray into the cycle lane or particularly if they are slowing me down.

But the last couple of days I've had something even more sinister and insidious going through my head - particularly on these "long-way-round" cycles from work, where most of the cycle is very dark and completely on my own so I can't swear at anyone.  It is the song from a fishy toy that the baby Lumpy Badger was given for christmas that he has in the bath. And it goes like this:


F*** SH** C*** A***!!

Janathon Stats:

Today:  Bike 13.61km / 39:29 min, Total 
cals: 384

[Run equivalency calculation: ]

Today: 6.01km / 3.73 miles

Total: 113.01km / 70.22 miles


  1. Hahahaha!! come and have a swim with me... hehe

  2. Brilliant! I also have tourettes when it comes to hills but thankfully no sinister toy songs have got stuck there!

    I'm slightly worried now reading about this my subconscious may play a joke on me an make it happen. If it does I know which of my childrens toys it will be: The Leap Frog Roll & Rhyme Melody Block - has some killer rhymes..


  3. hahaha thats ace, I hope you was singing it really loud :)
