Thursday 13 January 2011

Day 13: M is for Meg & Mog

When Mrs Badger & I set up home together the first thing she started badgering me about was to get two kittens - two so that they could be friends with each other when we were out.  I tapped my sources and found two options: One friend who had a litter of 7 where we could pick two, or another friend who had a litter of four where two were already taken so we had to take the other two.

I chose the "no choice" option because I knew that if Mrs Badger (Who was only Fiancée Badger at the time) went to see a litter of 7 cute little kittens, we would most likely return home with 7 cute little kittens. So we got the two where there was no choice.

In a fit of massive creativity, we named them Meg & Mog - Meg the black one, Mog the Black & White one.

Mog & Meg when they were little

They were 10 weeks old, and they were tiny. They couldn't retract their claws so I went around looking like a self-harmer for 6 months or so until they learned.

Meg was so black that we also nicknamed her "The Shadow" - it's actually really hard to take photos of her she is so black.
Meg, sitting on Mog

What has happened to Mog, though is that over the four years we've had them, Mog has gone from this:


To this:

Some kind of Whale Beast

So you can see why we need to partake of Janathon!

Legs are OK today (thank you sooo much for the supportive messages) and I stuck to my guns on the training - so I did a very hard 30 minutes on the gym cycle. I'll do the maths later to work out the calorie-based-miles-equivalent and update this post with my full total.

Janathon Stats:

Today:  Bike 16.38km / 30 min / 350 cal

[Run equivalency calculation: 10km on 5th Jan was 871 calories, so 1km = 87.1cal]

Today: 4.02km / 2.5miles

Total: 69.05km / 42.9miles


  1. V cute kittens - what happened the now pic - I really need to see it now!!!

  2. I linked to the photos from Flickr but it didn't seem to like it - should be fixed now, thanks!

  3. Whoooooooah - I thought my cat was big....that's a lotta cat to love! She looks a little startled in this maybe you shocked her when she was showering or something!

  4. Cute kittens, what happened to Mog did she eat Meg?
