Thursday 27 January 2011

Day 27: !


I've done 27 days in a row and run out of letters! People asked me at the start what I would do when I get to the end of the alphabet - it seemed so far away in the future that I wouldn't need to worry about it and if I got that far I would be amazed!

The only people reading this blog are Janathoners - they are the only ones sad enough! So WELL DONE YOU TOO for making it this far! We've only got FOUR MORE DAYS TO GO!

I feel like I've really been on a journey! By my 'run equivalency' calculation today I passed 100 miles of running in January! My fitness is improving and I'm inspired to keep going into Februthon! But don't forget about JAMATHON too! Although today I found that there is a REAL jamathon at which is entirely unrelated to mine!

Toodle Pip! See you tomorrow!

Janathon Stats!

Today!  Bike Total: 19.66km (534 cals) 1:05:55

[Run equivalency calculation!]

Today! 7.73km / 4.80 miles

Total! 167.56km / 104.11 miles !


  1. Well done, Badger Boy. I'm looking forward to your post about ;

  2. Jamathon rocks! I'm seeing everthing as potential substrates. Also, you are far too perky for day 27...

  3. Spanish alphabet has a few other letters:
    LL, CH, and N~ ("en-yay!") which maybe can be filler.
    Congrats on passing the century mark.
    And no thanks to Jamathon. I'm not even clicking on that :-)

  4. Maybe you could go into Roman Numerals, or use some kind of phonetic alphabet sounds? Anyway, well done on hitting the 100 mile mark that is brilliant work.
