Sunday 2 January 2011

Day 2: B is for Badger Belly

So while running on the treadmill just now I thought of a theme for my blog posts - so that I'll at least have a reason to post every day.  Unfortunately we're on Day 2 so I may have to go write another post for day 1 to start with "A" but obviously day 2 has to be "B is for..."

Badger Belly - mine was not the only belly on show at the gym today, and nor was it the largest or even the wobbliest, but it is the one that hides my feet so it is definitely the most alarming to me.

Bloody Mindedness - Sometimes that can be a good thing, but when you're trying to make yourself do a gentle jog and some fat knacker bloke gets on the running machine next to you and starts running the same speed as you (while huffing like a scrapyard-bound locomotive naturally), you just have to up the speed, don't you? well I do.  Never mind the fact that I'm training for a half marathon, and he's, well, eating half a marathon and only "running" for 5 minutes - I must not be beaten!@!!!@!@??!

Big Bottoms - lots on show in the January Gym. All wearing brand-new Christmas Lycra.

Best MatesCakeOfGoodHope got me into this. How long will we remain mates? I've thought of a cunning plan - wait until she posts exactly how far she ran that day, and then go out and run just a tiny bit further. So cunning it could be appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University!

Blogging - Can I really keep this up for another 29 days? What happens after that and I win the Janathon prize?

Blisters - I'm going to have to be very careful about this - I need to make sure my feet are hardening up rather than falling off. Probably more about that with Chafing tomorrow ...

Janathon Stats:

Distance: 7km (4.35miles)   Time: 38:48    Avg Pace: 5:33/km  (8:55/mile)

Distance: 17km (10.56mi)    Time: 1:36:48   Avg Pace: 5:42/km (9:10/mile)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so competitve when someone gets on the treadmil next to me especialy if they dont look like a runner (as horrible as that sounds) and start going faster then me! I've had to cut workouts short because I've worn myself out trying to keep up! Now I try and pick a treadmil area thats really quiet and avoid peak times at the gym!
