Saturday 29 January 2011

Day 29: %

We are now 93.55% of the way through Janathon.

Over the course of Janathon so far:
I have done about 68% of the running that i expected to do.
I have done about 300% of the cycling that i hoped to do.
After a 5 minute warm-down after a 10km run, my heart rate is 17% lower than it was.
Amazingly I am 38% LESS tolerant of idiots in the gym than before**.
I weigh 5% less than I did in December
I'm getting approximately 70% of the sleep required for continued sanity. Worse than this, Mrs Badger is getting approximately 40% of the sleep required for continued sanity.

All good stats. Today I did 10km, tomorrow I'm going to do a 15km run, and if I'm still OK on Monday, I'll do another 10km just to go bonkers for the Janathon finale!

**OK so I've got to rant. YET AGAIN in the gym I was surrounded by w**kers.  About 5 minutes into my 10km, I was the only person running on a machine in a row of 10 machines. A tw@ guy gets on the machine right next to me (bad gym etiquette I think), and then proceeds to run for - I kid you not - 30 WHOLE SECONDS - before hitting the cooldown button and getting off and doing some cross trainer or something.  THEN, scarcely had my incredulity died down but ANOTHER w**ker got on the SAME machine right next to me (with ALL the other machines free - am I GORGEOUS or something?) . So he cranks the slope up to the maximum that the machine can go and spends the next 13 minutes and 23 seconds (I counted every second) HOLDING ON TO THE BAR while walking "uphill" for a massive total of 1.5km.  I just wanted to turn and punch him with every step.  WHY do the exercise if you can't do it without hanging off the bar? You TOOL. I was so distracted by him that I didn't notice much else for a while. Picture the scene. With every other step, I'm looking round at his "technique" and huffing to myself, and after a few minutes start rolling my eyes and looking around the room. Eventually I look to my right and do a double take so massive I nearly stepped off the side of the machine and did a comedy fall. A woman has got on the OTHER machine next to me wearing cerise pink lycra, and she's DOING THE SAME THING. Her ONLY TWO redeeming features were that she only did 8 minutes and she had a large and reasonably attractive chest.  The attractiveness of the chest wasn't enough to cancel out the w**kerish nature of her exercising though.

Janathon Stats:

Today:  Run 10km / 57:57 min, Total 
cals: 830

Total: 184.59km / 114.70 miles


  1. This is one of the funniest things I've read all January. I'm not a gym goer - it's refreshing to be reminded why not. Love it!

  2. One of my personal favourite stats is I've used Janathon as an excuse *not* to make dinner 18% of the time. And mostly in the first two weeks!

    I also don't go to a gym and am yet again glad about that.

  3. hahahahahahahahaha thats absolutely hilarious, maybe I wont bother with a gym membership after all
