Sunday 23 January 2011

Day 23: W is for W***er

The conversation went like this:

Mr B: Hmmm... Tomorrow is W. What starts with W... ?

Mrs B (instantly): Wanker?

Mr B: Ok well now I can't think of anything else. You've got that stuck in my head. I'll have to find one to write about.

Luckily, there was a Wanker at the gym today.

I had decided to do a 10km run on the running machine, and I was part way through when this guy got on the machine one over from mine and started really pounding along.  The displays were angled so that I couldn't see how fast he was doing but he was hitting the deck really hard every step and I was worried that he might be Better Than Me.  This worry increased as time went on and he didn't stop - usually people in the gym do about 5 minutes, so my hour long run is enough to see off almost anyone.  My concern turned to irritation when he started making moaning noises loud enough to get past my iPod headphones, and to outright annoyance when he started actually shouting at himself. "Come ON!!!" he would shout every couple of minutes. I could't see how fast he was going so I took a leaf out of Fatipuff's book and put on my best "Game Face" and just hoped he would stop before I did.  I was really concerned that this git would run faster and/or further than me.

Wierdly he hit his cool-down just a few seconds after mine. Again I had to keep my cool and do the full warm down, and record my stats (10km, 57:52 for an average speed of just under 10.5km/h), and finally I was able to nonchalantly wander past the back of his machine and I had a wave of relief when I surreptitiously read his stats: 5km in 35:00 minutes. Less than 10km/h. And only 5k.  Thank God! He wasn't Better Than Me, he was just a common or garden Wanker.

This status was confirmed in the changing room mere minutes later where I incredulously observed him taking his sweaty kit off and putting his normal clothes back on without a shower in the intervening period. Eeeuuuuurrrrrrggggghhhhhh.

So I did 10k today - and my legs feel GREAT! - I did proper stretches before and after and they feel better today than after yesterday's 5km. I'm really excited about the rest of Janathon now.

Today:  Run 10km / 6.21 miles, Time: 57:52, Pace 5:57 per km

Total: 134.56km / 83.61 miles


  1. Mr Badger did you have a surge of testosterone today by any chance. I love hearing of Janathoners experiences in the gym seeing as I have never been in one but must say am not tempted to join. Next time you see Mr W you will know you are better. Good luck with day X (Mrs Badger that is an ex not a kiss!)

  2. Ha! Those wankers are always dirty buggers, aren't they? Good times for your 10k - hope he's not there tomorrow ...

  3. ewwwwww at the wanker, well done you your mileage is looking pretty impressive

  4. Chuckle.
    I have to confess I have left the gym without showering before, but I have never changed into clean clothes first!
    Glad your leggies are better bud
