Friday 14 January 2011

Day 14: N is for Norty Negativeness

A paragliding friend of mine has a saying: "Negative Thoughts: Genital Warts".

Then again, this is a person who willingly jumps off of mountains with only a large-ish duvet preventing him from plummeting to his death.  So you can see why negative thoughts would be bad.

I've reached the point in Janathon where it seems to have been going on forever, but it still has forever to go. I think if I can push through this coming week with exercise every day, then I will have cracked it, but oh lordy it is v hard, what with work being über busy, Lumpy the Badger Baby developing teeth and not sleeping, the injury and all, it just seems there aren't hours in the day enough to exercise and blog and also to read and comment on other blogs.

That's where I've been falling down a bit - I feel terribly guilty, I've lurked on a few blogs but I feel I'm lacking the time to really get in there and comment. So that's my 2nd half of Janathon resolution - try to cut out the Negativity and get round a few other blogs and get posting.

Hands up who is looking forward to the weekend!!

Janathon Stats:

Today:  Bike 9.2km / 28 min / 240 cal

[Run equivalency calculation: ]

Today: 2.76km / 1.71miles

Total: 71.81km / 44.61miles


  1. Me me me! I'm looking forward to the weekend!
    Am visiting my folks but see you soon. Really hope the leggies are getting better.

  2. me too :) thanks for your support it really makes a difference, if i keep at it then you must too :)
