Sunday 16 January 2011

Day 16: P is for Pointless People

This is a bit of a rant. I am known to rant. I have tried to avoid it too much on the blog so far, but I just have to!

I've been doing more gymming this past week (because of my legs) so I've had more time to observe the other denizens of the gym - who I normally refer to as "January Gymmers". Not all of these are Pointless People, but I have three candidates.

Pointless Person 1:
This guy I have seen in the Gym for quite some time (not just this January). However, I have no idea what he actually does because I only ever see him in the changing room. Or just outside the changing room. Or coming in to the changing room.  Maybe "changing" is his idea of exercise. Or maybe his idea of exercise is eating a huge tub of lard because he's certainly way over 20 stone and has been for the past year or so that I've noticed him.  This year of Gym attendance with no noticeable benefit is almost enough to get him the accolade of Pointless Person, but today he tipped the balance. He was hanging around (outside the changing room, natch), wearing those ridiculous "below the bum" jeans. This is a guy who clearly has to go to a "special" clothing store to buy trousers, but goes beyond that to buy even bigger trousers just so that he can hang them off his flabby arse. Pointless!

Pointless Person 2:
I've only seen this girl since the start of this month, but she's been there a few times, mostly at weekends.
She goes on the running machine, but I can't see how fast she has it set on because she drapes her towel over the controls - presumably so she can't see either!  She does about 15 minutes on there and then sometimes does a cross trainer the same way.  The towel is not the pointless offence, however.  The pointless starts with what she's wearing: quite a heavy brown cap, and a zip-up hooded cardigan with the hood up. But it doesn't end there. She spends the entire run holding on to the front of the machine with her hands. This is one of my pet peeves - in fact, if you've got a moment:

What is it with people who go onto an exercise machine and then let the machine do the exercise!. I'm looking at you! person who comes and runs next to me but takes 30 second breaks every 5 minutes by stepping to the sides of the machine and letting it carry on running. I just bet you claim you did all those calories!

- anyway. Pointless-hoodie-cap-girl. If you've got a hat, a cardie and a hood on while you're on the running machine, I don't need to see how fast you are running because YOU AREN'T RUNNING FAST ENOUGH!

Pointless Person 3:
The woman who was on this wierd cross-training- stepping-machine-thing next to me today. It's another one of these new machines they've put in recently.  This one seems to simulate skating or something like that - a bit like a cross trainer but with hand holds that don't move.  This woman wasn't holding onto those, though. She was bent nearly double and holding on to the machine near the controller, with her bum in the air, and she was bouncing up and down on it without making the pedals actually move. WTF is all that about?  If you go on an exercise machine but don't actually make it move, what is the POINT?

There you go. Rant over.  Working week starts tomorrow. I'm quite looking forward to it actually :-)

Janathon Stats:

Today:  Bike 19km / 32 min, Rowing Machine: 2km / 9 min, Total 
cals: 649

[Run equivalency calculation: ]

Today: 9.05km / 5.62 miles

Total: 88.48km / 54.97 miles

Number of times woken during night by crying son: 3


  1. I think you should rant more often - it's a good read. Hope legs are better.

  2. maybe it should be 'mrgrumpybadger'... ;-)

  3. Great rant hope you feel better, am so glad I dont do gyms!
