Saturday 15 January 2011

Day 15: O is for Ouch, Our Room Back and Obesity

Ouch: So I've been in the gym today because i'm still trying to recover my legs from their mystery injury. I have my "calorie equivalency" worked out for converting alternative exercises into running and god it's depressing.  I tried a really strange new machine that they've got which looks like a cross trainer but is a bit wierdly different and is crossed with a step machine or something. It was really really hard work but the number of calories it claimed to be burning was *rubbish* - I was going really hard and only managed 120 in 10 minutes which is waaaaay less than I would manage running, at a significantly higher "perceived effort". So I ditched that for the bike, which has similar problems with lack of calories but at least you get to sit down :-)
After all that effort but without getting enough calories on the chart, I decided to sneakily try a 1 mile jog on the treadmill to see how my legs would feel, and see how many calories that racked up.  Well in 10 minutes i did 140 calories and that was with virtually no effort. I could feel the legs start to hurt again though so I stopped and ran them under a very cold shower for 5 minutes in the hope that I could limit any damage. We'll see about that tomorrow.

Our Room Back (maybe?):  The little baby lumpy badger has been evicted! Tonight after I gave him his 8 o'clock feed, instead of putting him into the bouncy cot by our bed, I put him into the Big Cot in his Own Bedroom! (Mrs Badger put it a bit more harshly). This could usher in a new period of additional sleep, or it could go the other way and make it impossible to sleep at all.  One thing's for sure, though - if he stays in there then Mrs Badger will be getting quite a lot more "Special Cuddles" :-)

Obesity: I got Mrs Badger a Wii Fit Plus for christmas (because she asked for it, I am so romantic!) and for various reasons we didn't get around to plugging it in until today.  It tells me that I ought to lose 1 stone 7lb!!!!!  And it says I have a "Balance Age" 11 years older than me! - mind you I did get to "Professional" level on ski jumping so it's not all wrong.
It even has - and here's where we will be putting it to use - an option to register your pets!  If you've been following, I mentioned in a previous post that we have a cat, called Mog, who is now on a diet.  Below are a few more pics of her (pre-diet). I am going to add her to Janathon using the Wii.

So ... difficult ... to ... get ... up.

Attempting to induce some exercise

Hilarious iPhone-based commentary

Result of informing Mog of our diet plans for her.

Janathon Stats:

Today:  Bike 11.1km / 20 min, Cross Trainer: 10 min, Sneaky Run: 1 mile (1.6km) 10:07, Total 
cals: 527

[Run equivalency calculation: ]

Today: 7.63km / 4.74 miles

Total: 79.43km / 49.35 miles


  1. Do hope baby badger sleeps peacefully in his den. Fingers crossed the legs are better for day 16

  2. Sleep well, Lumpy. It won't be long before you're plotting midnight fridge raids with Mog. Don't worry, mummy and daddy won't hear, they're having special cuddles. No! Lumpy, no! Don't go in th....

  3. Hope you all slept well, disturbed by neither Lumpy's chunterings or 'special cuddles' ;)

  4. LOOOOL - she is very funny! Great post!

  5. hahahahaha love this blog, keep em coming :)
