Friday 7 January 2011

Day 7: Grunting, Gel, Goodness Gracious Me

Grunting/Gym - I caught myself grunting at the gym today.  I decided to try and run a "Magic Mile" at the gym rather than outside, on the grounds that my legs are hurting quite a lot after more consecutive days of running than I have ever managed before, and I was hoping that the treadmill might be a bit softer on them. It was really horrible.  I think maybe I warmed up for too long - and I haven't done any fast running since probably March last year so it was a bit of a shock to the system.  With 200m to go and the treadmill cranked up to 16km/h for the sprint for the line I had a bit of an out of body experience and realised that I was grunting and moaning at quite a startling volume.  I got to the end - flopped across the line as it were - and sneaked a look around.  There were about a dozen "January Gymmers" on the surrounding machines, but none of them was actually moving. They were all staring incredulously at me.  I hope they were feeling ashamed of their pathetic non-grunt-inducing effort levels. More likely they were wondering if they could somehow report me.

6:52 for the Magic Mile. Which is pretty poor. PB is 6:36. Felt sick afterwards too.

Gel (Ibuprofen) - As I said, my legs have been hurting quite a lot today - particularly my inside leg around the ankle area. It feels like a really tight tendon or something - but it is both legs so clearly it's something I'm doing wrong - maybe not stretching properly. Has anyone got any idea what it is and what to do about it?  I found an elderly tube of Ibuprofen Gel in the drawer at home and slathered that on and it has helped a bit, but I don't want this to get out of hand!

"Goodness Me!"
Golly, Gosh, Goodness Gracious Me - I'm a bit of a sweary person (see letters C and F, but there are many more). We have a 6 month old baby, and the day will soon dawn when it is no longer acceptable to emit such language in front of the poor boy.  To be honest, I'm not sure it's acceptable to do it now, but he can't talk so it doesn't seem likely that he will be copying us quite yet.  I've decided to try and train myself to say things like "Goodness Me!" instead of "F****** Hell", and "Golly, I do wish you would be quiet" instead of "Shut the F*** up!". I'm sure Mrs Badger will appreciate the change.

G is for "SUPER-G" - This outfit was made for me for my Stag Weekend by my Best "Man" (who is also a laydee, and who is also CakeOfGoodHope).

Janathon Stats:

Today: (including warm up)
Distance: 4.55km (3.43 miles)   Time: 21:52    Avg Pace: 4:48/km  (7:44/mile)

Distance: 46.73km (29.03 miles)    Time: 4:18:11  Avg Pace: 5:32/km (8:54/mile)


  1. I'd definitely appreciate you not shouting "Shut the f*** up!" at me quite so much. You brute.


  2. You may be doing more harm than good to your son as a father that yearns to say "Goodness Me!" Think about that.
    Um, yeah moans/grunts on the treadmill are weird, but unlike the other January Gymmers, you'll probably still be showing up come February.
    No capes!

  3. Two words 'Ice Bath'

  4. Not had much pain (despite all my other niggles) in the ankle area but squeezing anything so hard it hurts always helps. Whwnever I resort to gels and stuff, something snaps spectacularly soon after!
    A mate's 6 year old boy was a bit bright and was "invited" to demonstrate reading skills to his Offstead inspector a couple of years ago. He told the inspector to "fuck off, I'm not reading to you!". His dad's still laughing and trained the younger brother the art of swearing at an early age, too so you wouldn't be alone if it does all go wrong!
