Monday 24 January 2011

Day 24: X is for Xylophone (and other things)

I've been pondering what to do for the "X" day for quite some time. A lot of my running or training time has been taken up with the thought.  First of all I wondered whether I should contrast Mrs Badger with Xanthippe (wife of Socrates who was famed for her bad temper), or to consider the xenophobia of Xerxes the first who invaded Greece in 490BC. I couldn't decide, so I got hold of Mrs B's "Oxford Dictionary of English", turned to page 2,052 and put it through the Xerox machine.  I used my X-acto knife to cut out the words that I found there and momentarily contemplated plotting them on the x-axis of a graph before an idea hit me in the head like a large xenolith.  There are Xs all around me on every run that I do - in the trees where ground water is transported by the xylem into the leaves where every autumn it is transformed into beautiful colours by the production of xanthophyll. And if you distill it, you get xylene as a fuel or xylitol as an artificial sweetener. You don't need to go to Xingtai in China, or canoe down the Xingu river in South America to see that!

But then I thought that would all be a waste of XHTML and decided to write about Xylophones.

Xylophones - Aren't they great? I really like them.

Janathon Stats:

Today:  Bike 17.2km / 47:45 min, Total 
cals: 497

[Run equivalency calculation: ]

Today: 7.31km / 4.54 miles

Total: 141.86km / 88.15 miles


  1. Wow that was funny. I do hope, for the sake of mankind, that the Dictionary inspired all of those X words. Because, no reasonable human being would know all of those words and recall them at will.
    And you didn't even mention X-ray which, as far as I'm concerned, is the only reason that cursed letter X still exists.
    Catching up...that tub picture of baby badger was way too cute. Kids need to stay that size forever!

  2. surprised you didn't mention Xena Warrior Princess who is my role model!

  3. Pah - how could you miss out the one true X??? I refer of course to the 'X-Factor'. I am hoping that next year one of the contestants will perform (on a moodily lit stage, with tears running down their face) the Swimmy Fishy Song...
